Dignity Health | St. Rose Dominican | Reach | Fall 2019

6 StRoseHospitals.org 1 Enjoy fruit for snacks. Eating more produce is a heart-healthy choice. Plus, many fruits are portable—think apples, oranges, and bananas—which makes them easy snack options if you’re on the job or the road. When hunger hits, having a piece of fruit handy can help you avoid less-healthy options. Put your heart into it 5 small heart-healthy changes you can make today Here’s something that’s good to know about your heart’s health: Even small changes in your daily habits can make a big difference. “Seemingly tiny actions can add up to a healthier heart over time,” says Lauren Goddard, RDN, LD, registered dietitian at the St. Rose Dominican Community Health Center. “Plus, they can inspire you to do even more to take care of yourself.” Here are five simple steps you can start on right away. 3 Give screens an earlier bedtime. Too little sleep can hurt your heart and increase your risk for other diseases, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, which can also affect heart health. Watching TV or using your smartphone or computer close to bedtime can make winding down and falling asleep harder. Try giving yourself a deadline for turning off your screens an hour before bedtime every night. Listening to relaxing music, taking a bath, or reading a book may help you doze off. Wellness is just steps away. The St. Rose Dominican Community Health Centers offer a wide variety of heart-health and fitness classes. Learn more and register for a free or low-cost class at StRoseHospitals.org/classes . 2 Take 10-minute walking breaks. If you sit much of the time, get up for a quick stroll several times a day. Sitting less and moving more is good for your heart and your body overall. “Fit in three of these walks daily and you’ll have your 30 minutes of recommended aerobic activity,” says Goddard.